How to Blast Through Your Fear of Showing up & Being Seen Online

Visibility is not to be taken lightly. It’s a BIG requirement when you run your own health coaching business! And it's a BIG barrier for a lot of aspiring health coaches.

I would go so far as saying that harbouring resistance towards visibility — and being scared of being SEEN online, and in-person, and on social media — is the #1 reason why most new health coaches won’t or don’t succeed in building their businesses.

Social Media is the platform we have to build our businesses on. For better or for worse. It’s SUCH a powerful and potent tool to leverage, and it’s largely FREE!! And as business owners, we HAVE to be seen!

Why It’s So Easy to Fall Into Overwhelm

Why it's so easy to fall into overwhelm as a new Health Coach + 2 ways to overcome it.

I talk about:

  • How we're living in the information age - and why that is both good and bad

  • Why overwhelm is a resistance mechanism

  • The #1 thing you MUST do if you want to nix overwhelm

  • How all businesses are built one step at a time...there are no shortcuts.

  • The very first step for ANY business (what you MUST have clear before you do anything else)