Reading Is Essential to Being Successful in Business as a Girlboss

In this post, I talk about: The range of books I’m currently reading…it’s not just spirituality or business.

In this post: I talk about the range of books I’m currently reading…it’s not just spirituality or business. I also share two reasons reading is so powerful for us entrepreneurs (including my experience coaching with some of the greats - they agree!) You’ll also learn the 5-hour rule you can use to uplevel and learn as an entrepreneur.

Reading Is Essential to Being Successful in Business as a Girlboss

Who follows the moon cycles? If you're anything like me, this one is a cracker. The new moon energy is bringing lots of fresh things, lots of things, starting to move forward and lots of endings and letting go.

And if you're anything like me, lots of crying, lots of tears, lots of releasing. That's a Pisces full moon for you. And if you're wondering maybe why you've been very emotional, putting out my hand, putting out my honesty that I've been releasing. So if you're anything like me, let me know if that resonates.

But what I wanted to share with you was actually about some people who have been asking me in my UPswing Mastermind, "Amanda, what books do you read? What are you reading at the moment?" And sometimes you can see me on Instagram reading books. I am a big book fan.

My husband just said, the other day, we should have a colour of your books. And maybe in this releasing energy, I could let go of some books, but I seem to accumulate them because I'm a lifelong learner. 

I'm a lifelong seeker. And reading is essential to be successful in business to be constantly exposed to new ideas and modes of thinking and not just in business, even more so as a coach.

Now I used to carry kind of almost a little bit of shame or overwhelm or whatever that might be because I've always got so many books on the go. I saw a mentor of mine recently talking about how she has a pile of books. It just felt so good for that to be okay, that I always have five, even maybe 10 books on the go, but I have a variety of books on the go. I'm never just stuck in one genre or stuck in one book.

The books that I have at the moment are ranging. I always have business books. I'm a lifelong, 20 something years of being in online marketing and I'll always be reading and a master of my craft in that way. And I think mastering our craft, whether that's health books or spiritual books, whatever modality you're into, I think that's just a part of being passionate and bringing our passions to the world.

But I also always have a fiction book. Sometimes my fiction books take longer to get through. But they are my pleasure, they are my joy and you know, anyone who knows my teaching was a lot about feminine energy and receiving and a good fiction book for me is the best way to switch off the mind and just drop into that receiving mode.

At the moment a friend just gave me last weekend the Open Book by Jessica Simpson and I'll be honest, I don't know anything really about Jessica Simpson, but I love nothing more than a biography. Seeing how people operate and hearing the way they think and knowing about their life experience. That is what I'm diving into and excited to get started on.

Then I always have mindset books. I'm always coming from a master coaching arena. I'm always reading therapy books and modalities in that way. I've always got my spiritual books, my Gene Key bible. It's huge. I read it every single night. It's the last thing I read before bed, always studying that. Sometimes I'm into the wealth consciousness books too. 

It's just really important to keep ourselves stimulated, to keep our minds active, to keep us expanding.

Because what I watch is so many of us getting frustrated and stuck in our old ways and our old patterns and thinking that you know, that there's not more out there but there's so, so much more out there.

So I wanted to give you permission, first and foremost, that it's okay to have lots of books on the go like I do. But why else are reading books so important?

Whatever book it is, be it about business or personal development, they allow our minds to expand. Literally, it allows our neural pathways to constantly be challenged, constantly be rewired, whether it's finding new trends or ideas. I love to get ideas from different industries and bring them in, instead of just copying what I saw someone doing on Instagram. Get fresh ideas from different industries and that's what helps you be fresh, be a leader.

Wealth consciousness is a large part of my teaching in UPswing Mastermind, so I'm studying some of that from wealth consciousness books. The point is to find the pieces you don't believe in and allow them to rewire your neural pathways to healthier beliefs around money.

So reading books is just so, so important in expanding our literal brain, our brain pathway. Beliefs create thoughts, create actions, behaviours then results. We just go in a spinning loop. We're like a computer. I think this happens all day every day and a good book can be a great pattern interrupter in helping us rewire.

Secondly, there was not a top CEO in the world who does not read books. Bill gates have known to read 50 books a year. Mark Zuckerberg reads at least one book every two weeks. All these top CEOs and mentors of mine going through lots and lots of books. I've been in many of the world's top online masterminds with many of the greats and they all bring the books to our sessions. They all bring what they are reading and reading is just part of being a top CEO.

Whether you want to be a CEO of a company or CEO of your own girl boss business, it is an integral part and we should always be modelling the greats. And the greats are reading.

So the last thing I wanted to share with you about reading books is about have you ever thought about doing the five-hour rule? Spending five hours a week on deliberate learning? I've talked about Brendon Burchard with you guys a lot and he's always like what's your personal learning curriculum. So the five-hour rule involves spending five hours a week or one hour a day to do deliberate learning.

Now, if you're in something like the UPswing Mastermind, you've put yourself in a position to be learning every day. I shared with you guys that I just recently invested in a program and that has upped my deliberate, intentional, held accountable learning to a whole other level. But learning can also come from books.

So setting aside time to give your full attention to learning and development without being distracted by other work is a really core part of continuing not only your expansion as a human, to become the best coach to become the best woman that you are, but also your knowledge as a health coach.

Many people tell me they feel like they need another qualification or, that they've got 10 certificates but they feel like they need more. Go study it, your favourite nutrition book. Really study it for an hour a day. And tell me where you are at the end of the week.

So I'm curious, what's on your bedside table? I kind of gave you a little bit of my mismatch of books that I've got there at the moment. I'd love to hear about your books. I'm always looking for new books, I'm a book geek, please share with me not just your business books, share with me your autobiographies, your biographies — I love those the most. Any great fiction books. And of course, mindset coaching books. Let's get a big reading list! And I can't wait to check them out, have a great day and have a great week.


Amanda xx

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In this post, I talk about: The range of books I’m currently reading…it’s not just spirituality or business.