What Is The Thought Pattern Cycle and How To Use It In Your Health Coaching Business

Our beliefs create thoughts. And then the thoughts create the actions that we take. And the actions create the behaviors and habits that build over time.

In this post: Our beliefs create thoughts. And then the thoughts create the actions that we take. And the actions create the behaviours and habits that build over time. To grow a thriving business, you have to know and believe that you are going to do so.

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

What Is The Thought Pattern Cycle and How To Use It In Your Health Coaching Business

Many of you may have seen my training on Thought Cycle, but you might not have. And it's been really clear to me, both in reviewing social and also in talking to people looking to join the UPswing Mastermind that we have some thought patterns running. Anyone has or hasn't used it even in their own coaching business.

So let's talk about what thought cycle is. We all have beliefs.

And those beliefs create the thoughts that run around our heads all day and every day. We have something like 90%, even 98% or something of the same thoughts every day. Our beliefs create thoughts. And then the thoughts create the actions that we take, and the actions create the behaviours and habits that build over time. They create our results in any area and a hundred per cent of the time, the result will have to match the original thought.

And so that can be kind of confronting, right? Because we are getting the results that match our thinking. And any of you would know this, when we start looking for something, we start seeing it everywhere. We have a thought and we find evidence.

It's one of the beautiful powers, that I find in being in UPswing Mastermind. When you open your computer each day, here's proof. And seeing people day after day, booking discovery sessions, booking clients — it starts to actually reprogram those thought patterns in you to make this normal.

Let me give you an example: You might have a belief that nobody's going to buy health coaching in your town. So if we had a belief running that nobody's going to buy health coaching in your town, you're going to run the thought patterns that match that, right? You're going to run the full patterns — No one wants to buy this. My town people don't have money. My town people don't value health coaching — all the related thought patterns to that underlying belief. If you have those thought patterns and I put a camera on your house, and I'll be like, "What actions are you taking on your business?" Think about what actions you would be taking if you had that thought pattern. Probably not a lot. We probably not going to see a lot of action happening through this camera.

If we took the action, it's unlikely that people are doing things like 'asking for the dance' on social media all day, every day. It's unlikely that they are building out a purposeful package, getting clarity on their target market, their marketing messaging. Definitely unlikely that they would be investing in getting mentorship to do this properly because they don't even believe that anyone's going to buy.

Habits and behaviours build from actions over time. So if that's the action that was happening on a daily basis, do we see the behaviours and actions coming through in a way that we would like? We're going to see someone still sitting there, maybe thinking about it in the scroller mode not creator mode on socials. Dabbling in it, maybe even complaining, "I want to do this, but I have no time, no money" or whatever it might be. But underlying its cause is there's belief — No one's going to buy in my town. And then what result do we get? Definitely no clients, no one buying, no one buying in your town. And you know what the monkey mind's like, "Yes, I'm right!" Because the monkey mind's always right. It's always right unless we tame it.

And this would be the same if you believe that you can't get results for your clients. If you can't get results for your clients, your actions are going to show results, habits. Everything is going to follow through because you're kind of scared.

Beliefs are what truly drive things and you can't hold two beliefs at once.

For example, you have two beliefs: no one's ever going to buy from you and you're going to have a thriving business. It's like, stop, go, stop, go stop, go, stop, go. It's like burning your tires out. You can't hold one belief pattern of "I want to get clients. I'm going to grow my business." and at the same time, "I can't invest, because I have no money" because that doesn't actually match. They actually are two opposing beliefs.

If you truly are in alignment with the belief that you want, you will go in that direction.

So if you truly believe, and belief comes from a decision to believe, that you decide "I am doing this. I am building my business. I am getting the support to do that. I'm going to be making money and I'm going to be getting clients."

Then you will act, behave, build behaviours, and get results that match that thought pattern, match the belief. Whereas even if you tell me, "No, I do want to get clients, but I can't possibly afford a mastermind. I will never be able to pay that back. I could get in trouble." Like someone with those thought patterns is not going to take action, behaviours, results. They're not going to get the clients because they don't believe that they can get the clients. Are we following?

We say that we have these desires and wishes, but we have to be in full alignment with our beliefs.

And sometimes this is a process. Obviously, anybody who gets mentorship has to have switched into the belief process that "I'm going to do this" because no one's just going to spend money on something that they're not going to act on. That doesn't make sense, right?

One of the biggest transformations that I often see is when someone decides "This is me. I am the person who takes action. I am the person who gets results. I am the person who builds a thriving practice. I am the person who receives support from others to do this. I am doing this."

So sometimes the biggest transformation actually comes in that process that I know many of you are in right now, of deciding whether to step up and get mentorship in your business.

Sometimes investing in yourself is the initial big leap that many of you are looking for because you have to believe in yourself that you are worthy of investing and worthy and getting the support from others to do that.

There was a year in my business, where I went from making $35,000 in one year to $350,000 the next. Anyone who does join UPswing Mastermind will learn a lot about what I did and particularly you'll get all of my wealth consciousness practices too. But one of those steps that I had to take in there, first of all, I joined a $10,000 mastermind, then I got some private coaching. But then I decided I wanted to be in the circle of women who were making $50,000 a month. At that time, I didn't believe that I was one of those people who could do that. That was for the circle of women over there. And it was a $20,000 investment to join that circle. And honestly, the biggest transformation for me was believing that I was someone who belonged in that circle.

Once I believed that I could be there and that I could be the one getting the results and I was the one going to get the high level of support, then I paid it and I was making $45,000-$50,000 a month not long after. I would love to talk to you about the dynamics of that forever. And those in UPswing Mastermind know that I dial this in with the tangible business training as well.

I know for sure that to grow a thriving business, you have to know and believe that you are going to do so.

And I wanted to leave that reflection here for some of you who might be telling these things to the universe, pulsing these things out:

  • "I want clients, I want to build a business. But I couldn't possibly invest."

  • "I couldn't possibly invest because my money's not going to come back because I'm not going to get clients."

  • "I'm never going to have money there. Scarcity is not enough. It's not going to flow to me. I'm not going to get clients."

To invest in UPswing Mastermind, you would need to get one client every two months over the next year. That's it. And so if you are sending out a belief that won't happen for you, then you're not currently in alignment. That's okay but the reason for sharing this with you today was to maybe plant some seeds of, "Huh, I hadn't thought about this for myself. How might it look if I started being the woman or man, being the person who does... how would I act? What would I do? How would I speak? What actions would I take? What would I put on my social media? What would I say to people who asked what I do?"

These are all from a belief system of building my business. "I am the 5k month, women, men, person, et cetera."


Amanda xx

PS. If you’re ready to get consistent clients & earn a consistent income from your health coaching or wellness business, then you’ll love my FREE Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. Click HERE for Instant Access!


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Our beliefs create thoughts. And then the thoughts create the actions that we take. And the actions create the behaviors and habits that build over time.