The #1 Thing That Underpins a Successful Health Coaching Biz

The Fantasy of Social Media Why we think it's the silver bullet of marketing, but it's NOT!

In this post: The Fantasy of Social Media: Why we think it's the silver bullet of marketing, but it's NOT!! Read on to learn the #1 thing that underpins a successful Health Coaching biz and understand marketing fundamentals.

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The #1 Thing That Underpins a Successful Health Coaching Biz

I'm having all the thoughts in the last couple of days as I'm preparing some of my marketing for this year. I'm talking all the marketing things, having conversations with clients, having conversations with ladies in my mastermind programs and some of my friends as well. I don't know about you but we're definitely feeling excited, often looking back, reflecting and looking at what works. And I've been talking a lot about business basics with clients, with friends and with myself. One thing that I wanted to talk to you about is this fantasy that we all have with social media. The most common thing that I had people ask me over and over again is "How do I get clients?"

It's almost like someone's coming from almost a place of desperation. We go chasing social media like it's a silver bullet — if I could just have more followers or if everybody just followed me on Facebook, then I'd be okay. If I just had like 10,000 followers on Instagram and then I'd be good.

But it's kind of like chicken and egg because we are on social media so much. That's what we're consuming. Then we see other people posting. And we think that that's the answer. And it's just not. If any of you have seen me teach my iceberg model, it will show you that underpinning someone's true business success as a health coach, underpinning someone's social media success that we see on the top is not that they were good at social media or that the clients came flocking. Underpinning is a true understanding of business. And ultimately, the bottom line is if you use social media to get clients only when you've got the foundations, and the number one foundation is target market.

Now, people think that talking about target market and niche is like one-on-one. People often say they ticked that box. Like, "I know that my clients like, someone from 20 to 50, she's a woman with kids."

That's what I often hear and target market niche, in my opinion, is the single most important thing, you must nail in your business, or you will get nowhere. I could probably answer almost every question that I've ever got from this community and pull it back to target market — whether it's, not having a package to sell. Not knowing what people want from you. Not knowing if you'll get results for clients. If someone wants to buy health coaching, where to find clients. All of these questions can only be solved from an understanding and an answering of target market and of niche.

I've studied this over the years. I've put out marketing on target market and niche. When I test my Facebook ads or my posts, people aren't as interested in the target market conversation, they want the sexy conversation. Like how do I get more followers? Or, you know, how do I do Facebook ads? Or how do I do funnels? And like I said, this is the environment we're living in. We see Facebook ads, we see funnels. And we think that is the answer, but it's not defining your positioning, defining your message, understanding the marketing fundamentals.

A true understanding of target market and niche is the only way that any marketing can work.

There's so many other ripple effects too. People were telling me that their confidence is low or they're shy. Like all of these things, when you know your target market, you're going to know how to speak to them. You're going to know what words to use. You're going to know your language, you're going to your messaging, your positioning, all of these things. And ultimately when you know the target market, you're going to stop feeling like it's all about me — "I don't feel confident enough." Or "People might not like me. People might judge me."

When we feel connected to our target market. We shift our focus, our heart externally, and we connect with someone real.

And if you've heard me talking about target market before it has to be one person. I know that brings up resistance but it has to be one person. And when done right, we can have that heart connection. Now you're talking to a real person. Now you can have a conversation that's real. No marketing speak. Just like we're sitting here and having a coffee together, a cup of tea and that brings confidence when you're not spraying a message and hoping that you're not going to get judged or attacked or beg some to like it. The person you're talking to is struggling with these pain points and does want to change.

In target market, you want someone who is looking to change. When you're talking to that person, then you can really speak from your heart. Now you can really bring what you're about. And now you're also talking to the person that you'll be able to get results with.

A lot of people say, think they don't need to learn target market, but I've mentored over 700 health coaches through my paid programs and I can tell you for sure if your target market isn't defined, nothing else works.

So much money, time, energy, and confidence is lost when we're investing in programs on how to grow Instagram or Facebook ads or funnels without doing the target market work. It's something that I go in-depth on in my UPswing Mastermind, for sure. It is the single most important piece to crack and without it, I simply don't see how anything else in business on marketing can work. And honestly, it breaks my heart when I see so many people losing confidence in selling their programs because they feel are not expert enough or they won't get results. And all of this comes from not defining the right target market for you and then designing the package to match that.

So those are just a few thoughts on top of my mind because I've been talking to a lot of people about all things business marketing in the last few days, and it always comes back to target market, which people think is the most beginner strategy. I actually think it's the most advanced. For every stage of business, this is something we want to crack. Have a beautiful day, take care.


Amanda xx

PS. Ready to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >>


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The Fantasy of Social Media Why we think it's the silver bullet of marketing, but it's NOT!