My Top 3 Tips on Building Your Health Coaching Confidence

Wanting to become more confident in your coaching skills?

In this post: Wanting to become more confident in your coaching skills? My 3 top tips on what I have seen work best having mentored 800+ new Health Coaches over the last 6 years...

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My Top 3 Tips on Building Your Health Coaching Confidence

People tell me that they want to be a masterful coach. In fact, one of the key things that people will tell me they struggle with, either on application forms to work with me or on a discovery call, is confidence. Is confidence in coaching something that can be a struggle for you too?

I have so many thoughts on this, especially if you're not in a dedicated health coach community. People would tell me they want to be a better coach and all the time I hear people saying,

"I need another qualification."

"I better go back to health coaching school."

"I need to go to health coaching school."

But when I meet with them, they've got so many things already, either formal qualifications or not that they could be out there. A lot of this feeling of need to learn more coaching or coaching skills, the need to go do another coaching certification or find coaching books, comes from a place of lack of confidence. This is normal when starting as a health coach.

I see people talk about wanting to take that path, but then what I often see, working in this space for seven years now, it's not uncommon that I talk to the same people maybe a year or two ago, who went off, got the health coaching certification or an extra qualification. And they're still feeling just as stuck. 

I can say with absolute confidence, having coached over 800 people through the UPswing Mastermind for over seven years, I know for sure that 95% of people do not need more coaching certifications to become more confident. 

But it doesn't mean that there aren't steps you need to take to be a more confident coach. And being a confident coach, of course, is a largely important piece in how you're going to put yourself out there. You're not even going to market and put yourself out there if you're not feeling confident. So I was just thinking, what are some key things that I have witnessed and that I see makes the difference in people who come through my programs or even people that I know in the coaching industry, who have stepped forward and out of that kind of resistance if you are not feeling enough.

1. Invest in good coaching

I was thinking about this the other day that if we invest, if we try to shortcut our investment in our coaches, because we're being driven by money or scarcity or lack, then what I often see is people not getting what they really wanted. Think of it like a restaurant, if we order the meal that we didn't really want, or we go to McDonald's and we kind of walk away going, "Well, that wasn't really what I wanted."

And I see time and time again, people investing in one-on-one coaches, or in any coaches based on, you know, there's just the cheapest I can find or whatever that kind of mentality might be. And they come to me and they say, "I didn't have a good experience with coaching." So that's fine. We all know there's a lot of coaches out there and some will be better than others.

Find quality coaching, because this is impacting you and your coaching skills way more and your coaching confidence way, way more than you might think.

What I'm witnessing is people who are investing or not investing in the best coaching they can find, it's to a detriment of their beliefs. When I'm interviewing people, they start having beliefs of...

"Well, I don't even know if coaching is really worth it."

"I don't even know if people want coaching."

"I don't know if coaching really is that effective."

And when I dig deeper and deeper, it often comes because that's what the coach that they actually didn't get a breakthrough on. And so to actually find a coach that you resonate with, and will be able to support you in lifting your vibration, you feel better when you've been in their presence, you feel more positive. You feel that you get breakthroughs and shifts. When you experience that from your coach, then you are programming your own beliefs and experiences about why coaching is so valuable when you get radical transformations and shifts.

Some ladies in the UPswing Mastermind had coaching, who are bouncing off the ceilings on video. And that is what I call real transformation. When you get that at a cellular level, then you believe in coaching and you will be able to sell your coaching. You'll be able to talk about the value of coaching. If you have not had good coaching experiences, you're going to start to reflect that on you, instead of seeing that it was just the experience that you had with that coach. Am I making sense?

It's so important that you invest in a high quality coach. Everyone's different. You got to find a personal resonance. It's gotta be, like I said, someone who lifts you up, someone that you feel good after you've been in their presence. Look for qualifications, look for experience. Do your research, has the coach been around or have they maybe just, you know, started teaching in the last six months or something? This is key. It's why we get disappointed when we're not willing to invest in the exact thing that we want others to invest in us for. There's so many energetic resonances there that are super important. 

2. Practice coaching now.

My second point is that coaching confidence will not come from doing another qualification or reading more books on coaching. I studied all of the clients that have been through my courses over the years and what I see is there's only one time when confidence really kicks in — and that's when you were coaching.

So, so many people are waiting on the sidelines, for the day that they feel confident enough, for the day that they've studied a tool or technique enough, that they'll feel courageous enough to get on a phone with a client. It just doesn't work that way.

If you learning any business system that includes anything like funnels, Facebook ads, websites, and you're putting focus on trying to get things to do that in business, instead of you getting on the phone as quick as possible, then you might be avoiding what actually is the exact thing that's going to build your confidence.

We have to be willing to be courageous enough to start coaching people and learning as we go. No qualification is going to give you more confidence, no book is going to give you more confidence than that.

So when you're working through a system like the UPswing Mastermind system, which is designed specifically for health coaches, we're wanting to get you coaching as soon as possible. There's no shortcut. We have to be willing to be a beginner.

3. Find a model.

The third thing that I was thinking about is actually inspired by a video that I was watching of a mentor of mine over the weekend. Anything that we master in life, you don't have to be a coach. It's not something you dabble in. If there's something you want to master, we feel we need to be perfect before we start.

if you want to master something, the only really way to learn is to model.

Now, this is one of the things I get feedback time after time, after time from people in my UPswing Mastermind of how much they learned on coaching by sitting in my laser coaching sessions. If you're in a program like the UPswing Mastermind, pretty much almost every week for six months, you're immersing yourself in a coaching environment. You get to witness and be part of the energy of coaching. You're going to watch me coaching many different people, many different styles. And that becomes like learned behavior. I watched this time again.

It's like how children learn? For example, my lovely little niece. She's two. She copies when I talk. She's half a bit behind and she repeats the words. That's how you can master something. You can't do that on a book. You can't do that learning on an online course. The mastery of being in live energy of somebody coaching, you will naturally find yourself picking up the skills. Sometimes there's even an energy and a rhythm to coaching mastery. Sitting in that mastery week after week on those calls. That to me is the most important piece. You get all your business training, fine. You get all your masterminding and team support, great!

But you sitting in that immersive experience of coaching is actually a transmission of energy.

It is actually a transmission of all of the hundreds of thousands I've invested now in my skills, in my coaching, in all of the people that I've coached and bring that to you — it is an energetic transmission. You cannot learn that from a course or from a book. It's something that I know for sure, if you're serious about mastering coaching, no waiting to be perfect, no not confident enough.

If you followed my work, you will know that I say, I can't get you the same results, if I was one-on-one coaching you as I can in a group. And this is one of the key reasons why you can invest with me for one-on-one coaching. And I would not be able to give that to you. You need to sit in the coaching experience week after week. It's not just the coaching. Some of my clients also end up modeling the way we run the programs, even how I structure the weeks, etc. Having that real embodiment of coaching, as opposed to it coming from the mind, that is what really brings about coaching confidence and coaching mastery. There's really no shortcut.

Leave me any comments, any questions on the topic of coaching mastery, and I'd be happy to come back and answer anything, have a beautiful day, evening, morning, wherever you are, and we'll talk soon.


Amanda xx

P.S.  Want to learn how to boost your coaching confidence so you feel like a PRO and get MASSIVE results? Click this link to get instant access to my FREE resource on Coaching Confidence >>


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Wanting to become more confident in your coaching skills?