How To Start Your Health Coaching Business While You're Still Working

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Hey healthy lady!

Many women start their health coaching business or join my programs while working full or part-time jobs.  It is absolutely possible - even preferable! - to start a coaching practice while you're still working.  

The key to success lies in being laser-focused with the time you DO have and prioritising client-attraction and income-generating activities.

For example, getting in front of your ideal clients, telling them what you do, positioning yourself as an expert, and asking for the dance (aka: inviting them to discovery sessions). 

It is very easy to spend hours tinkering “behind the scenes” on your website, or perfecting your business cards - but actually MARKETING your business consistently is how you will succeed.  

The great news is, you can definitely do that in 1-3 hours a day. You do NOT need to be working on/in your business for 8 hours a day to be successful - especially when you’re first starting out.  

I asked the women in my latest UPswing Mastermind & UPswing Momentum programs to share their top tips for starting a coaching business while still working... 

They offered up some excellent advice, which I'm excited to share with you today.

(For those that don’t know UPswing Mastermind is my stage 1 program for beginner health coaches and UPswing Momentum is my stage 2 implementation program for coaches and heart-fuelled emerging leaders.)

Read on to learn how they made it happen and get their top tips so you can too!


How To Start Your Health Coaching Business While You're Still Working:


“I was working full time for the first 18 months of being a health coach.

I made it happen by seeing clients one or two evenings per week and working on my business during my 2.5-hour daily commute. That meant that I still had at least one day a week free to rest, and I got over 10 hours of focused work done on my business each week. And honestly, that was all I needed at the beginning.

My biggest tip is to find pockets of time (even if it's just half an hour!) and be laser-focused on what you are doing in that time - and how it brings you closer to your goals.”

- Amanda Pickering - UPswing Momentum


“When I first started my business, I was working 4 days a week with a 2.5-hour round-trip commute.

I allocated one night per week plus time on the weekend for clients, and was able to use the commute to work on my business. I set goals each week and used my commute time to work towards achieving those.  

Doing this while commuting freed up my time after work for my family and myself!  Even now, when I'm no longer commuting and have the freedom of working from home, I set aside dedicated time and hours for my business to ensure I get stuff done.”

Melinda Benstead, UPswing Momentum


“I made the time in my daily calendar for the hours I wanted to do health coaching alongside my current job - and stuck to them.

I find that working while I start my business is helping me manage my income. I’ve also found that putting parameters around exactly when I do health coaching (eg: what days and hours I work on and on/in my business) in these early stages gives me time to prepare while the hours aren't full of clients yet - so I’m learning how to keep my time well-managed.”

Michelle Edwards, UPswing Mastermind


“I've put my other job into a freelance wrapper so I can pick and choose how much or how little I work… I'm very lucky to have that as an option.

I am also a huge fan of the power of 20-minute work blocks.

Try them and see for yourself!!”  

- Margriet van Nieuwburg, UPswing Mastermind


"The more I learnt in the Mastermind, the more I wanted to work on my business and visibility! But with kids... work... family... that wasn't always possible.

I started feeling stressed about it, until Amanda reminded me to get into reality. I did have the time - but only if I made space for it. And most importantly, I needed to make time to look after myself!

Once I prioritised self-care, things fell into place a lot easier.

Having set times to work on my business and sticking to those as much as possible was very helpful; as was asking for help when I needed it. And remembering it’s not a race!”

Melissa Lowe, UPswing Mastermind


“I decided that if I want my business to work, I had to get serious and dedicate some set time to it. 

So I started going to bed earlier - which allowed me to get up at 6am and work on my business until 7:30am. In the evening I also do work from 8pm to 9:30pm. So I consistently do 3 hours of work on my business a day.

My house is a little messy now, but that's how life is!

You have to find time for what's important… family, new business and work. I am going to get help with the housework soon!”

- Veronie Anderson, UPswing Mastermind


“I've been working full-time while I start up my coaching business.

It has (of course) been a juggle, but the thing that has helped me most has been the Mastermind training and the group support. Both have been amazing in helping me build a rock-solid foundation for my business - within the time that I have available.

My pace is slow and steady, and things are falling into place... instead of falling apart!”

Michelle Joison, UPswing Mastermind


I hope you found some great tips from this post and that it’s inspired you to start (or keep going!) with your own health coaching business!

Amanda xx 

PS. Desperate to get your health coaching business going but stressed out about having to sell your services? I’ve got you covered! Click the button below to grab your FREE 7-Step Soulful Sales Script!

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