How To Stay Healthy While You're Building Your Business

How to stay healthy while building your business header-min.png

Hey healthy lady!

I completely understand the demands of balancing:

  • Family...

  • Children...

  • Spouse...

  • Clients...

  • Continued study...

  • Making money...

  • Building your business...

I am right there with you, and so are the ladies in my UPswing Mastermind and UPswing Momentum programs...

So I asked these women to share their top tips for staying healthy (and happy!) while building a coaching business, and they offered up some excellent advice. 

These are women who for the past 6-12 months have been working hard to build their businesses - all while balancing the demands of work, study, family & entrepreneurship. 

(For those that don't know, UPswing Mastermind is my stage 1 program for beginner health coaches, and UPswing Momentum is my stage 2 implementation program for coaches & heart-fuelled emerging leaders.) 

Here are their top tips for staying healthy while you're building your business...


Make time for you

You hear that? Make time for YOU.

I was definitely feeling overwhelm at one stage with kids, clients, running the business, doing Upswing Mastermind - and felt like I wasn't really walking my talk as a health coach.

But once I learnt to create some space for myself (which was kind of difficult at first) I realised how important it was!

Making time to just chill and not think about the business, means that when I do, I'm more focused and productive.

Learning to fill up your own tank is ESSENTIAL when you are giving so much.

- Melissa Lowe, UPswing Mastermind



My main tip for staying healthy while building your business is setting boundaries.

I was saying 'yes' to everything and everyone - mostly out of excitement and my desire to grow my business - and found that it was really burning me out!

So I've begun to set boundaries in terms of my scheduling, commitments, and how much of my time I give away. It's made a world of difference.

- Christina Tidwell – UPswing Momentum


Healthy meal planning & prepping is a must!

My number one tip is to PLAN AHEAD!  Meal planning and prepping has been an absolute LIFESAVER for me while juggling building my business, and taking care of two toddlers...with another baby on the way!  

I plan two weeks of meals in advance and do one big shop - then I just have to top up the fresh fruit and veggies.  I prep healthy snacks, and make double at most meals to keep things as easy as possible. And I keep it interesting by trying at least a couple of new recipes and meals each time.  

Building a business is hard work and it’s important for me to fuel my body with the right foods, and stay on top of my energy levels. 

There's no time for the 3 pm crash round here! 😉 If you have healthy food on hand and ready to go, then healthy food is convenience food - and the temptation to reach for the not-so-healthy option isn't there.

- Kylie Kerehoma, UPswing Mastermind



Self-care first, business second

Self-care first, business second. Rest assured, this isn’t counter-intuitive. In fact, when we really connect to ourselves - and our purpose for our business - it becomes intuitive to nurture ourselves first.

After all, you are your business!  Without beautiful you, there would be no business at all. Let’s not forget that.

So look after you by prioritising 'you-time' into your every day - for at least one hour. And watch as you become more creative and aligned, and business starts to flow.

Sally Jane Douglas, UPswing Mastermind


allocate set hours for your biz

My top tip is to create boundaries by allocating set hours to your work.

Creating time boundaries like this has allowed time for myself... time for my family... my part-time work... AND my own business.

It ensures I am productive within the time that I have allocated to my business, and ensures that my own physical and mental health remains top of mind.

- Melinda Benstead, UPswing Momentum


Prioritise your to-do list to maintain balance

My top tip would be to prioritise your to-do list... making sure that YOU are on it!  

It was clear to me that I would not be able to realistically accomplish EVERYTHING I wanted, while still maintaining a balanced home life.

By organising the most important and relevant tasks to my mission, I was able to push away others that weren't - and give myself time to unwind, workout, and shop, cook and prepare healthy foods for myself and my family.

Making myself and family a priority on my to-do list every day prevented me from letting overwhelm take over and enabled me to maintain a healthy balance in my life.

- Eleanor Duelley, UPswing Mastermind



Look after your health + wellbeing

I have a busy schedule, but I ALWAYS make sure that I eat well, exercise daily and take time out when I need to. I love getting outdoors every day and the best place is the beach - rain, hail or shine 🌊 - it's so good for the soul!  

By looking after my health and wellbeing, it makes such a difference to my day-to-day life, and to my business.

- Fiona Taylor, UPswing Momentum



Building a business takes time, along with a whole lot of hard work, determination and resilience.  We’re constantly looking ahead, planning our next step, and visualising the future.

It’s easy to get frustrated and wish you were further ahead or more successful... especially if you’re comparing yourself to others in the biz.

So my top tip for staying healthy while building your business is to take the time to pause every now and again and celebrate exactly where you are. Recognise how far you’ve come, celebrate your wins, and acknowledge your achievements no matter how small.

- Liz Tiepa, UPswing Mastermind


Nourish, move + mastermind 😉

Building a business can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time.

My #1 tip to stay healthy during this process is to listen to your own body.

Our bodies are powerful messengers and always let us know what they want and need. And if you nourish it with healthy food on a regular basis, drinking plenty of fluids, moving your body and taking rest, it will reward you.

It can be easy to get carried away working all day and forget to eat or drink enough liquids and then feel low, lack confidence or lose focus and clarity.  

So, prepare meals and snacks in advance... find time to have 'me time'... walk/stretch throughout the day... and find your own personal mastermind group, where you can share what's happening and get support - it can be so healing!”

- Alenka Ala, UPswing Mastermind


When you have an 'off' day - be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself. It's OK to have an off day... or even an off few days.

It's tricky juggling everything, and sometimes something has to give.

Keep in touch with your support crew (friends, family, your coach, your mastermind community, your peers, etc.) and share what's going on.

ASK FOR HELP when you're struggling.

Make sure to get out of the house, away from your desk, and do something for you, that brings you joy. And remember, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen!!!

- Kaaren Haywood, UPswing Mastermind


Schedule self-care APPOINTMENTS

My number one tip is to schedule self-care appointments for yourself.

This has been so important for me and helped me stay sane!

I do my best to exercise, eat well and meditate every day. At least once a week I have a relaxing bath, a sauna, a massage or schedule something extra special like that.

What's the point of building a health coaching business if my own health is suffering? My wellness is a priority.

- Melanie Hansen, UPswing Momentum


Feed your soul + RECHARGE

Make time for activities and people who remind you of who you are at your SOUL level.

Spend time with the people who make you laugh - and who take your mind off of the 'business-building chatter' that is hard to stop without a worthy distraction.

Don't neglect your favourite activities and hobbies that help you feel peaceful and mentally relaxed.

We often feel like we have to business build 24/7... but recharging your body, mind and soul along the way makes for greater energy available to focus on your business.

- Tamara Pulles, UPswing Mastermind


Do work that lights you up

My top tip for staying healthy is to make sure you are enjoying your work and keeping in alignment with what you really want.

Whenever I step out of alignment with my truest desires my energy drops and I often get sick.

When I do what lights me up I'm like an unstoppable cheetah! 😉 

- Amanda Pickering, UPswing Momentum


Focus on SLEEP

My number one tip is to focus on sleep.

Learn your optimal amount of sleep - and then use a smartphone app to remind you when to go to bed and when to wake up, in order to get that each night.

It's simple but powerful! 

Michelle Edwards, UPswing Mastermind


Check-in with your ENERGY + plan accordingly

Check-in with your energy levels and stress levels and schedule or plan accordingly.

Where possible offset stress with exercise, meditation or fun activities that neutralise the negative accumulative effects of stress.  

Also remember that different activities require different types of energy, focus and mindset.  After working with clients, I like to schedule some time out to reset and re-energise... always being conscious of not booking too many sessions in a row.

And working at the computer for long sessions can also become draining, so I love to mix things up and schedule 'time-outs' from technology.

Lastly, I find that I have different energy levels at different times within my monthly cycle - and I like to really tune in and listen to that, and schedule my weeks with either more activities or more self-care. This can be a hugely powerful insight. 

- Carolyn Daley, UPswing Mastermind



My top tip is to make self-care a part of your business plan - just like the other tasks on your list. That includes quiet time, optimal nourishment, movement, and breathing outside.

It's the most important part of being able to help others because it keeps you in alignment to be able to hold a healing space.

- Jamie Raisleger, UPswing Momentum


Amanda xx

PS. One of my favourite ways to create more ease & flow in business is by selling my services in Purposeful Packages. If you don’t already have a Purposeful Package in your business, click the button below to grab my FREE workbook to create your own Purposeful Package today!

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