When You Own Your Own Value, Others Will Value It Too

How to shift your energy so that people actually VALUE your services.

In this post: When you own your own value, others will value it too. You’ll learn about:

  • How to drop out of your head and into your worth if you're struggling with fear or comparison.

  • Why money is just an exchange for the value that you are going to bring to someone’s life.

  • How to shift your energy so that people actually VALUE your services (and are excited about what you do).

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(This video is hosted in the Healthy Wealthy Society, a free group for health coaches & wellness entrepreneurs. If you have trouble accessing this video, you may need to join the group first.)

When You Own Your Own Value, Others Will Value It Too

I just got off an UPswing Mastermind call this morning, and we were talking all things target market and packages, and there's always a theme that comes up on those calls. So I think if there was one thing that I had to really capture from today, it's around really knowing your worth and getting over our internal money blocks that we all have, around feeling that we're not worthy or feeling that our health coaching isn't worthy.

There was a number of times on different scenarios on this morning's call where there was actually tears and emotional breakthroughs. I think it was a couple of women who did have tears when the penny dropped on how worthy our programs are when we really do that.

A lot of coaches when we're starting out, we're so busy comparing ourselves, looking at other coaches. Thinking, “I'm not professional enough, I'm not expert enough.” And we make it all about us and say to ourselves, “No one wants to work with me.”

And when we get really, really grounded into this, this is what people are struggling with. This is what people are looking for help on. And we are the ones holding that back from them. When we really get grounded in this, when we get in our full power, on how important our work is, when we really know in every cell of our body, that this work needs to get out there. When you remember how special you are, when you remember how special your coaching work is, and when you remember it's nothing to do with money – it is just exchange for the value which you are going to bring to someone's life. Then everything starts to change.

When we drop out of the head, it's making it all about ourselves and making up the stories of when no one's going to buy this and no one wants a package and all these kinds of stories that we make up because we're human. And we drop into our hearts. And we remember this is what's important. This is why I got into this health coaching work in the first place. And we get really honest that people are struggling. And by us not putting ourselves out there, we are adding to that, or we are slowing down their solution of what could be unfolding in their lives.

So I'd love to know, can you relate? Have you had times, because I definitely have, where maybe you've made it like a bigger deal in your mind of where no one's going to buy from you?

Saying to yourself all the kinds of stories that we tell ourselves that make this about something that it's not:

“I'm not expert enough.”

“Oh, what if people judge me?”

“What if people look at me?”

“What if they reject me?”

“What if I'm a bad person because I asked for a sale?”

Sometimes we get trapped into thinking it's about us. But it's about our ideal clients. It's about being of service.

And when that switch really goes, instead of pointing inwards to outwards and we start serving, we stop focusing on why our work and why our packages and whether our health coaching is so, so important and can be life-changing. Then this takes away all that mind clutter.

It really helps us to really understand at a cellular level just how valuable you are, just how valuable your coaching work is. And stepping us out of the fear of receiving and into at a cellular vibrational level, understanding how valuable you are, will then be an exchange that people will value. And that exchange is obviously money for you showing up and doing this work.

Especially when you’re starting out, it can feel like it's very much about us. We're all in our heads.

When we make it real and we really understand, humans out there right now, who could be served by your work, then we can really get the ball rolling or get our health coaching out to the world and make a massive, massive difference.

So that was what was on my mind today – when we really own our own value, others will start to own it too. We'll start to value ourselves too, and we'll start to shine in their own lives and be able to have that same ripple effect as they start to own their own brilliance.


Amanda xx

PS. If you’re ready to get consistent clients & earn a consistent income from your health coaching or wellness business, then you’ll love my FREE Masterclass where I teach you the three-part framework to consistent clients and cash flow as a health coach without overwhelm and burnout. Click HERE for Instant Access!


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How to shift your energy so that people actually VALUE your services.