How Amanda Made 10K In 10 Weeks [Amanda Pickering's Story Part 2]

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Remember Amanda Pickering, our passionate but frustrated health coach who was working 12+ hour days, and starting to think that it was IMPOSSIBLE to make a living as a health coach — because she was making some of the biggest mistakes I see new coaches make?

If you didn’t get a chance to read part 1 of Amanda’s story, click here to check it out!

Today I’m going to share with you a little more of Amanda Pickering’s story, and EXACTLY what she did to turn her business around (literally, a complete 180*!)

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Here’s where Amanda was - in her own words - when we first met…

“By the time I found the UPswing Mastermind I was tired, confused and stressed out with the world of health coaching. I was starting to question whether it was even possible to make a living as a health coach!

My goal was to find myself a business coach — because I decided that to be the best, I had to learn from the best, and I knew Amanda Daley was the best in the world for health coaches.

Initially, I wanted to work privately with Amanda Daley and was quite averse to the idea of group coaching, due to a couple of past negative experiences. My perception was that it was less impactful and effective than working 1:1 with a coach.”

Needless to say, when Amanda Pickering found my programs, she was sceptical.  

She had already tried some group classes and business coaching e-courses, and neither seemed to yield results…

She also felt that it wasn’t just business strategy she needed support on.

She was really struggling with her mindset and wanted to work through her blocks around money (‘Nobody has the money to pay for a health coach… why would anyone pay for ME or MY health coaching… to name a few!)

So she figured that 1:1 coaching might be a good way to do that.

But very quickly Amanda discovered that, with the support of Mastermind group she actually broke through her limiting beliefs FASTER, because she was able to experience the breakthroughs of her classmates as well as her own.

She learned she wasn’t alone… her anxieties and fears were shared by everyone in the group. She got to witness the wins of her Mastermind sisters... which allowed her to feel more confident and more ambitious in her own dreams.  

And she was blown away by the personal coaching and high-level of personal attention included - far and beyond anything she had expected!

“The UPswing Mastermind has been the single most important key for my business. If I could say it in one sentence, I’m not sure I would still be coaching if it wasn’t for Amanda and my Mastermind sisters…

Being part of this Mastermind helps me lift my vibration in a way that just would not be possible with 1:1 coaching. I get the benefit of an expert in my field (and I truly believe Amanda Daley is the best out there) giving me coaching and advice — but in the presence of other women who can also share, support, encourage and uplift.”



Amanda made $10k in the first 10 weeks of the UPswing Mastermind and that was only the beginning!

When she started implementing a proven business plan and received the support and encouragement of a tribe of like-minded, driven entrepreneurs - Amanda was able to turn her business around, make some serious cash and create the freedom-fuelled lifestyle she had always dreamed of.    

Including luxurious weekend getaways with her husband…

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And solo travel — including a sun-drenched trip to Miami to attend one of my live events, and hang out with her best friend and business ‘soul sister’...


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(Fun fact: these two ladies actually met through the UPswing Mastermind!!)

After only FOUR MONTHS in the UPswing program Amanda had the stability and confidence in her health coaching income to go part-time in her office job.  

*** Spoiler alert: A few months later she was able to go 100% full time in her health coaching biz!! ***

Before she joined the Mastermind she wasn’t sure that was EVER going to be possible.

The Key Lesson: 

Question the perception that 1:1 coaching is more ‘valuable.’ You often feel so alone as a new entrepreneur - like you’re the only one that has those fears and doubts - but when you are part of a group, you see that you’re not and that is so empowering and transformative.

And as a 7-figure business coach, having worked with 1,000s of health coaches in recent years, if there is one thing I know for sure it is that I could NEVER get the results I do in a mastermind program for someone who only worked with me 1:1.  

There is A LOT to learn in the first 6 months of your business and it would not be possible in any way to deliver both that teaching AND the personal 'inner work' coaching in a 1:1 coaching relationship.

If you missed the first part of Amanda’s story, click here to catch up!

And for those who have been emailing and asking - YES I am offering the UPswing Mastermind this year - keep an eye out for details coming soon...!! 😀

Amanda xx

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Amanda was really struggling as a new health coaching, working 12+ hour days and wondering if it was ever going to work. But then she turned things around and made 10K in 10 weeks and transitioned to being a health coach full-time. Click through to …