Why Confidence Is Key In Coaching (And In Horse Whispering!!)

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I had the most amazing experience today - Horse Whispering in Texas!!! Never in my life did I imagine I'd be in a ring, with a whip, directing a galloping horse with my energy and intention - but WOW - words can't describe!

After watching 20 people do this and the horses mirror back their exact energy - I now understand at an even deeper level exactly how our confidence and energy affects others and the importance of who we show up as coaches to others. AMAZING!!!!!

Just like these horses today, people WANT to be led by a coach with confidence!



One of the things that really stood out to me when reading through your responses to my recent question on the flight over here to the US was just how much ‘confidence’ (or lack thereof) is holding many of you back in your coaching business.

Confidence is a pretty general word, and so I started digging deep into your answers to look closer at what is really behind the confidence struggles (it is a 14-hour flight from Sydney to LA after all ;-)

I have identified what I have given a working name of  ‘6 Coaching Confidence Crushers

It seems to me that our confidence as coaches is lacking due to one of the 6 following areas.

So here's my question for you to consider this week:

"If you could take a magic pill to master just one of these areas - which would make you feel uber CONFIDENT to rock out your coaching business – which would it be?"

Comment below on which ‘Confidence Crusher’ you relate to the most…

  1. (self) Confidence (worrying what others will think of you)

  2. Communication of your message (how to explain health coaching)

  3. Client Attraction (how to find clients)

  4. Conversion of potential clients into dream (paying) clients

  5. Coaching skills (how to get real results for your clients)

  6. Comparison (fear of competition or comparing to others)

And, here are some resources to help you bust through your ‘Confident Crusher’…

  1. How To Be Confident As A New Health Coach - The Ultimate Guide To Coaching Confidence!

  2. The Simple Secret to Telling People What You Do As a Health Coach

  3. Where To Find Clients As A Health Coach

  4. How To Sell Your Health Coaching Services: The Ultimate Guide For New Coaches

  5. 100 Killer Coaching Questions - Never be Stuck for What to Say Again

  6. The 6 Secrets to Believing You’re an Expert Health Coach

  7. (Bonus Post!) Mastering Your Inner Mean Girl With Melissa Ambrosini


Amanda xx

PS. One of the best ways to build confidence in your offerings is to have purposeful packages! If you haven’t created your packages yet (or they’re not selling very well) then click the button below to grab my FREE guide ‘Create Your Own Purposeful Packages’ to get started today!

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Confidence can be hard to harness when you're a new coach but it is so important to being a successful coach. Click through to find out if you have the confidence you need to coach successfully and find tips to boost your confidence as a coach! Conf…