What Makes A Great Coach?

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Do you ever ask yourself: What makes a great coach? Do they have specific qualities or do they do something special?

I believe that in order to be a great coach, you have to value coaching.

Joining a coaching mastermind is, in my opinion, the best thing a new health coach can do for themselves and their business. This means investing in yourself.

Investing in yourself can be one of the most difficult decisions to make when new health coaches are considering growing their coaching business. 

Truth - it can be scary!

Yet when you think about it logically, how can you ever expect your potential clients to value investing in coaching, if you as the coach don't value it highly in your own life first?

 Related Post: Why You Should Invest In Your Business (Even If You Find It Scary!)

I caught up with Shaina when she’d just completed my 6-month UPswing Mastermind program and we got chatting about just that.

Let me set the scene: Shaina is a gifted personal trainer, dance teacher and fitness instructor who wanted to grow her business so that she could have more time and money for her family.

My issue was no money to join the program,” says Shaina. 

At the time of joining, Shaina was charging $30 a session as a trainer.

It’s hard to justify spending thousands on a program when there is not much money coming in to begin with. Well, that’s the logic we naturally apply to a situation like this.


Before I signed up, Amanda gave me a bit of advanced coaching to say ‘go out there and do this’,” continues Shaina. “I knew I had to get some clients before I even started the Mastermind!"

After I picked up my first client it gave me the confidence to get more clients to pay for the program. Then, when I knew I could get clients, I felt confident enough to ask to borrow for the first payment, and ever since I’ve been getting clients in order to pay for myself."

Shaina’s story is not uncommon. It is a large story around money itself. It’s the fear that new coaches have to overcome - around investing in the program - that ironically propels them forward.

It was a leap of faith,” agrees Shaina. “I had feelings of knowing the program was for me, and the fear of money, and knowing if I told my husband how much it was going to cost he would say I’m crazy."

I had to overcome that fear and take the leap of faith, knowing that I was going to go where I couldn’t go on my own [in my business] and that the UPswing Mastermind was what I needed in order to get there.”

From charging $30 a session, a couple of weeks into the UPswing Mastermind program, Shaina started upping her price to $500 for the next clients.

Then 2 weeks later again, I jumped to $1000 for my 3-month program, and it’s gotten better and better."

5 or 6 weeks into the Mastermind, I sold a $4000 package for a 6-month program, following the formula of knowing how to get clients."


There is a money block that pops up for coaches who start to make big money called, New Level, New Devil.

It’s that feeling of, ‘Who am I to be making this money? Who is this superstar clicking her fingers and making all this money?’

Shaina continues: “The next few months after I’d had great success, things went backwards and I was kind of lost and my confidence dropped. It took a couple of months of work to get back to where I was, to get that belief system back up.” 

Everyone has their own fears and money blocks; those things that are going to hold us back. But with the tools and the mindset work provided in the UPswing Mastermind, Shaina was able to command really great income again when all these new mindset changes came in.


I got myself back in the game,” says Shaina. “You start to remember why you’re doing it; that you’re doing it for everyone else, and then the flow begins and the money comes to you. Last weekend I made $5.5k selling a one-on-one program.” 

Personally, I always have a mentor on my team and I am always in a mastermind (ideal for me is a mastermind with access to a mentor within it).

As coaches, we will always need a coach of our own if we are committed to growth, expansion and excellence in our businesses.

I really don't think it is possible to build a great coaching business alone.


Investing in yourself is a big decision, but it is outweighed by how much money you can generate with a structured program that gives you the tools to go out and get clients.

The personal development and money mindset coaching play a big part in helping coaches to see a return on their investment.

When you decide to invest in yourself everything around you opens up.

And as a coach, it is imperative that we receive our own coaching support as we continue to grow and evolve.

Take Action!

Take some time to do some research on who you’d like to learn from and then take action!

Join their program or reach out to them to find out how you can work with them.

And, if you are interested in joining my UPswing Mastermind program, you can learn all about it here!


Amanda xx

PS. One of my key teachings in the UPswing Mastermind program is to create Purposeful Packages. I’ve created a FREE workbook walking you through the process so you can create your very own Purposeful Package! Click the button below to get instant access.

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Do you ever ask yourself: What makes a great coach?  Do they have specific qualities or do they do something special? Well, there is something I believe is a MUST DO for great coaches. In this post, I walk you through what that is and how you can im…