4 Ways to Identify Your Target Market (aka Dream Clients) As A Health Coach

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A conversation over lunch today reminded me of the golden rule of being a coach and entrepreneur. 

"You do not need to be all things to all people" 

In fact, we really only want to be building businesses which we LOVE in every way - and that includes only working with ideal clients.

Every Health Coach has a unique service to offer. And you’re not only offering guidance on health and wellness. You’re giving of yourself to the clients who come to you.  Because of this, you don’t need to be all things to all people - you just need to be YOU.

By taking the time to figure out your ideal target market (aka target audience), you’re able to zero in on the people who are going to benefit most from what you have to offer.

The more you can drill down into the specifics of who your ideal target market is, the more they’ll feel like you understand them.

If you can make them feel like you’re speaking directly to them, you’ll be the one they feel has the best solution for their health and lifestyle aspirations.

I believe that identifying your ideal client is one of the biggest keys to building a successful coaching business. This topic is often misunderstood, but it really does make the world of difference when you truly know WHO you are talking to and who you are creating your health coaching services for.

4 Ways to Identify Your Health Coaching Target market (aka dream clients):

1. Start with your story

Every experience you’ve had in your life so far has led you perfectly to your decision to become a Health Coach, right? What’s your story?

Mine is an adrenal fatigue diagnosis after 15 years of sacrificing my health at the altar of corporate advertising; a diagnosis that led me to discover more about the effects of stress and overwork on our bodies, and in turn awoke a desire in me to guide others to optimum health.

If you’re interested in reading more about my story, you’ll find it HERE.

Finding this post helpful? I created a FREE workbook to help you learn how to identify your health coaching target audience in 4 simple ways! Click the button below to get it right now.


Back to your story: ask yourself what you would have paid for if it were on offer during your health challenge. Which experts were you following at the time? What books or magazines were you reading?

You’ll find your target market will more than likely be very similar to you, so you’ll find invaluable clues to who they are in your own story.





2. Look to your unique area of Health Coaching to find who’s likely to pay for your services

The area you’re most passionate about as a Health Coach will point you in the direction of the types of people you’d have solutions for.

Let’s say your focus is weight loss: What type of person would want to lose weight? New Mums, or singles, or newly-engaged women?  What age would they be?

Go ahead and make a list of everyone you think would be looking for what solutions your area of Health Coaching could offer.

3. Identify your target market’s desires

Your target market is more than just the subject of their health. By creating a picture of what their whole life looks like, you can get a pretty good idea of who they are.

For example, if you’re thinking of targeting single women in their 30’s, think about what else is going on for them, aside from wanting to lose weight (in keeping with the above example).

What would bring her happiness? When would she feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction? What makes her feel good about herself? What does she prioritise over everything else?

Don't forget to get your FREE workbook to help you learn how to identify your health coaching target audience in 4 simple ways! Click the button below to get it right now.


 4. Dig deeper into your target market and find out what they’re really looking for

This is where you have to research, and then research some more! You need to get into your target market’s heads to find where their pain points are, and what motivates them. It’s important to know what they want to achieve and what they’re willing to pay for it, too.

Based on everything we’ve talked about so far, you might already have a good idea of who you want to target.

To get to know them better, try some of these avenues:

Get on Facebook and participate in groups. Notice what people are talking about. Read what they’re commenting on and what questions they’re asking.

Talk to people. Meetup.com has a ton of groups that you can join in your area to mingle with like-minded people and find out what they’re into. There are groups for singles, and there are lifestyle groups. There are groups for business, and groups for mums.

Hang out at your local health, or organic food shop. Listen to what questions people are asking. Ask your own questions:  find out from the store owner what’s most on people’s minds, or what type of people are buying products that tie in with your area of Health Coaching.


BONUS TIP: You are going to want to know more about your ideal client than she possibly even knows about herself.

Finding out this level of detail is what will really help you to connect in a deep and authentic way in which your ideal client will respect and enjoy. Nothing is worse than a business owner who 'assumes' they know what their ideal client wants, but hasn't gone the extra mile to really care enough to find out.

Your ideal client knows what she wants, never be afraid to ask her directly!


Once you have your ideal client nailed, the next step is to define your solution for your Health Coaching business which provides them with the benefits they are looking for. Hint: once you’ve figured out your target market, your solution becomes very clear.

I'd love to hear in the comments below who your ideal client is and which of the steps above you are going to take to get to know them even better.


Amanda xx

P.S. Ready for the next step? To create a health coaching package that sells, check out my post The Ultimate Guide To Creating Coaching Packages That Sell & Get Results!

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