
Million Dollar Habits - 10 Traits New Millionaires Have In Common

Recently I read an article on Lifehack that I found really inspiring, detailing the 10 traits new millionaires have in common.

The world’s idea of who and what a millionaire is has changed.

When we conjure up an image of a very wealthy person, we are imagining less and less a stodgy old man sipping branding in a wing back armchair, and instead, more and more what we envision is a young, energetic entrepreneur.

The internet has paved the way for anyone with a good idea and the ambition to see it through to become rich and it is increasingly common for the successful people among us to be young and driven.

3 Money Mindset Tips For Healthy Entrepreneurs

As a new entrepreneur, the issue of money can come to the forefront pretty quickly when that cushy regular pay-check has all too quickly become a distant memory.

Perhaps for you, the fear of financial uncertainty is the key reason you haven't yet taken the leap towards the career you daydream about each and every day...

I am a firm believer that to be healthy on all levels we need to also heal our relationship with money! And there is nothing like taking that step forward into our dream career to bring the issue of money quickly to the forefront to be healed.