Grow your coaching business

The Ultimate Guide To Finding Your Target Market For Health Coaches + Wellness Entrepreneurs

Hey healthy ladies!

In this deep-dive blog post, I’m going to walk you through EXACTLY what to do to get crystal clear on your target market as a new health coach.

So, let me walk you through my step-by-step process for doing just that!

INTRODUCTION: Why do I need a target market?

Businesses that don’t have a clear target market often have trouble attracting and converting clients; take longer to be seen as leaders in their field; and struggle to grow their email lists and income.

Here’s what knowing your target market can do for you:

How To Get Inspired When You're Feeling Stuck In Your Business

Hey beauty,

Walking along Burleigh Beach with girlfriends is one of the rituals that grounded me into my new home on the Gold Coast — and today I’m sharing some of the rituals that help me stay in a high-vibration state in my business. (Beach walks and ocean swims are some of them!)

Click here to listen to this audio now.

In this vlog — a snippet from an UPswing Mastermind Coaching Call — I share the importance of finding what works for you when it comes to shifting your vibration; my favourite book on mindset; how to actively steward your energy as an entrepreneur; and how to build alignment practices into your day…

So that you can go from high-vibe to low-vibe, and get re-inspired with EASE when you’re feeling stuck. 💗

How To Be Your Own CEO And Get More Done As An Entrepreneur

Hey beauty! 💗

Business and entrepreneurship can get super-serious and all-encompassing sometimes, can’t they? And honestly, when they take up ALL of your time, energy and attention - it can make you kinda boring. #tunnelvision

I started feeling this way earlier in the year — so I intentionally planned a trip of FUN and connection, to people and places which have nothing to do with my job.

Yes, I am still coaching as I travel, and part of the trip is actually for a mastermind with other entrepreneurs — but two weeks were carved out purely for time with my family, and 5 days just with my husband. It feels really great to focus on what matters most.

And I know I’m not alone in getting swept up in entrepreneurship sometimes either!

How To Stay Healthy While You're Building Your Business

Hey healthy lady!

I completely understand the demands of balancing:

  • Family...

  • Children...

  • Spouse...

  • Clients...

  • Continued study...

  • Making money...

  • Building your business...

I am right there with you, and so are the ladies in my UPswing Mastermind and UPswing Momentum programs...

So I asked these women to share their top tips for staying healthy (and happy!) while building a coaching business, and they offered up some excellent advice.