How To Create Your Dream Workday As A Health Coach (Jennie’s story Part 3)

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Welcome to part 3 of Jennie’s story. By now I’m sure you feel like you’re Jennie’s best friend. So do I!

She's taken us on a bit of a rollercoaster ride (part 1), hasn't she? The fact she’s allowing me to tell her story so you can really learn from her journey shows how deeply Jennie cares about transforming people's lives.

Previously we spoke about how Jennie grew her business too quickly (part 2) by making the biggest mistake I see all health coaches make, and that’s not packaging up your services.

Selling one-off sessions and working for an hourly rate is a one-way ticket to Brokeville and burnout.

Jennie had sacrificed her health for her business because she didn’t have the foundations of a package setup that would allow her to run a business filled with health and wealth.

Jennie thought in order to become wealthy, she needed to sacrifice her health, but that’s the furthest from the truth, and I can promise you there’s a better way.

Finding this post useful so far? Ready to design your own life as a health coach? Download my FREE worksheet to help you build a business that makes money AND matches your dream lifestyle. Just click the button below to get started!

You don’t have to make a choice between whether you want to be wealthy or whether you want to be healthy. In fact, wealth is important because it opens you up to a whole new level of health - something I’m so passionate about teaching to all of my clients.

When Jennie started creating her packages, she put a lot of thought behind how they were best going to serve the lifestyle she wanted to live.

Key Lessons For Health Coaches:

 When designing your package, you need to ensure you take into account how you truly want to design your own life.

 Think about what your non-negotiables are and start with them in mind, instead of creating a package that your life needs to fit around.

 For example, if you need to pick the kids up at 3 pm from school, your last coaching session for the day is at 1.45 - 2.45 pm.

Your desires must be at the forefront of your business in order to run a successful health coaching business that supports you living your happiest, healthiest and most aligned life.

 Anything that does not fit within your non-negotiables you MUST learn to say no to.

When Jennie created a health coaching package that worked in with her busy life, she started getting more enquiries, and before she knew it she had her best month, working only the 1.5 days per week she desired!

Not only did her business packages bridge the gap between her health and her wealth, but in the process of redesigning her packages, Jennie came up with a solution that would ensure her clients got better results than ever before. This was something she had secretly been worried about with her initial clients.

Now, Jennie’s purposeful packages are a win-win for all.  

xx Amanda

PS. Don’t forget to grab your FREE worksheet to design your own dream life as a health coach. Click the button below to get it now!

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