Visualisation Exercise for Health Coaches: Create Your 90 Day Plan

For any coach feeling apprehensive about the future of coaching or your business right now, trust me on this – these visualization exercises are powerful!

In this post: For any coach feeling apprehensive about the future of coaching or your business right now, today’s blog post is for you. 

I want to share with you an exercise I take my clients through that can help shift you from fearing uncertainty to taking real, strategic action and taking that action from a place of positive energy. When you feel blocked, this is what can really move you into creating a coaching business and lifestyle you feel most aligned with. 

Trust me on this, these visualization exercises are powerful!

Visualisation Exercise for Health Coaches: Create Your 90 Day Plan

Hey, beauties! 

For any coach feeling apprehensive about the future of coaching or your business right now, today’s post is for you. 

I want to share with you an exercise I take my clients through that can help shift you from fearing uncertainty to taking real, strategic action and taking that action from a place of positive energy. When you feel blocked, this is what can really move you into creating a coaching business and lifestyle you feel most aligned with. 

Trust me on this, these visualization exercises are powerful! 

When I meet with a client and we have our first strategy session, there's a really important meditation we go through that can mean the difference between doing a bunch of random and unorganized activities versus working toward a very specific vision for themselves. 

I’m going to do a modified version of that for you here today. So have a seat and settle in! 

The goal is for you to have a clear vision of what you really want to create in your health coaching business, which includes your business lifestyle and your personal life. 

Here's a common theme we’re addressing and why this post is so timely and needed today. Right now, the future can feel really uncertain. However, no matter what year we’re living in, the future is always technically uncertain, with no guarantees. 

We work with levels of uncertainty every day. So with that being true, give yourself some credit for all the times you have taken action without knowing the outcome. 

In business, we know a lot of the time, we are calculating different risks. And, it’s more than that! Yes, there is a risk, but there are huge servings of trust as well. Coaches are some of the most intuitive people I know. You know when you trust in your intuition, it often leads to amazing results. But overthinking can get in the way. In your coaching business, your intuition can serve you well! 

Here’s what is always true:

  1. Your intuition will let you know when you are living your life in alignment with what’s best for you

  2. Your intuition will let you know when you’re not! 

  3. Working jobs that feel completely out of alignment for you will be something you can always feel. It’s unpleasant! 

  4. Your intuition about pursuing coaching and helping others is there for a reason. Now it’s a matter of making it happen. 

Why don’t we always follow our intuition? Fear.

You might have a gut feeling about the right path for you, but learned judgments from others about jobs and what we should be doing for a living can set in and stir up fear and indecision. 

We’re going to work through that today, so sit tight! 

That fear can drive us into jobs we hate, but we’re told it’s more “secure.” The truth is, every job is uncertain. You can't know the future of any company you work for, nor can you guarantee the future of any position you're working.

If you're someone who knows working the nine to five lifestyle is extremely draining for you and really hard to stick with that no matter what you do, that’s important to listen to! Maybe, at work or at home, you feel your head is often in the cloud, you're dreaming up all the ways you can get out and start creating a life you really want, a life where you get to help people, where you can teach and coach and do public speaking and go on podcast interviews and be featured in media and build an amazing audience and amazing community of people who have shared values about health and wellness and healing. 

Sound dreamy?

If you're still on the fence of: Can I go in that direction and really pursue that OR do I settle with a “safer” option, today’s exercise is for you. 

So let’s jump into it now. Ready?

What I’d like you to do is think about what your future self would have wished you would have done differently now. This isn’t about regret. It's more about perspective. 

Instead of waiting until you are that future self, in this exercise, you get to envision yourself in the future. And when you do that you can actually look back into the present as though it's the past and think about the seeds that you know need to be planted now to get to that future vision. 

So I'm going to share some questions with you and invite you to open up your own perspective on your possibilities, especially if you're really determined to get away from a lifestyle that's draining you and instead create one you love.

I know many health coaches can relate to this, that's often what we're going for. We talk about work-life balance and it's really going to feel more balanced when you're in love with the work that you do. 

Before answering these questions, I encourage you to take some deep breaths. Take a moment to land in your body and try to approach your answers from a present and grounded place.

The first part is about your past self.

We're going to start by jumping into the past to get some perspective on being a future self.  

You're going to look at what you were doing then and appreciate how far you’ve come and then imagine what could be different if you had planted different seeds back then. 

  1. Where were you 90 days ago? What were you dreaming about? What was your daily life like? What were you wanting for the future? And, what has changed?

  2. Now stretch your mind and go back a year ago. Know that quite a bit has probably changed, even more than you might have appreciated until you spend the time to really look at it. Examine the kind of mindsets you had 1 year ago. What you were learning or wanting to learn? What was going on in your personal life? In your relationships? What was going on with your career? What did you want for your career, and what has changed since then?

  3. And you can keep going back. Go back two years ago. Have a picture in your mind of everything taking place then. Then go back five years ago. The further back you go, the further you're stretching your mind and learning to cast a wider lens on the big picture and to see the things in that big picture that you are just now beginning to appreciate about your growth! 

  4. Now, with a lens of compassion and appreciation, what does your current self, which is the future self to that past self you're now envisioning, wish you had planted at that time that would have grown now. I say compassion because this isn't about regret, it's about having an aha moment! Like, “oh, if I had done this, this might have been slightly different.” We learn from the things we did or didn't do. It's not about how we failed or that we made a mistake. It's about how we are learning about what could have been different and what we have the power to act on now. 

Time to change gears. 

The second part is now about your future self!

  1. You're going to do that same exercise but instead jump into the future. Jump 90 days into the future. What are you hoping for in three months' shifts for you? Maybe a big decision? What sets you on the path to creating the kind of health coaching business you really want. 

  2. How about a year from now? Are you running your business? Are you seeing clients? How many clients? What does it feel like? What does your day to day life look like? 

  3. Now jump five years in the future. You're more experienced, you are maybe more well known, you're probably receiving referrals. Maybe you're teaching courses and getting asked to speak on podcasts. What does it feel like now from that five-year future self? What does your life look like?

  4. Okay, now jump back to today but you are your future self and you get to have a conversation with your 2020 self. What message does your future have for your 2020 self? What does she want you to do now that will help you create the five-year future you really want? What kind of action needs to take place? What kind of mindsets need to shift or be put in place? Are there any changes in your personal life? In your health? In your self-care? In your relationships? What needs to happen for you to move your business forward? 

The final piece is about being back in the present moment:

So now you get to come back to the present and envision that you are going to start planting some seeds, seeds that are going to grow and flourish and help you create that 90-day future, the 1-year future, the 2-year future, and the 5-year future that you envisioned. 

What are those seeds? 

Are you needing to create content right now? Build relationships? Put yourself out there? Hire someone? Join a community? Work on your personal beliefs about money and career and your possibilities? 

Imagine yourself planting those seeds and then taking action. 

And that is a really powerful exercise you can do over and over and even re-read this blog post! Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed by the present and also uncertain of the future, planting that seed is like that leap of faith, you're trusting in your intuition and possibility. You're also proving that you're serious when you take that action. 

And I'm curious, let me know in the comments what kind of seeds you're planting for your future?

And if you really resonated with this exercise today, I encourage you to take a moment to look into everything we offer in the UPswing Mastermind experience. I am all about taking a holistic approach to building your coaching business, a balance of feminine and masculine approaches to business, to take you through the vision and belief work while also taking actual strategic action and following proven health coaching business frameworks. We need both. 

We are accepting applications and have a new cohort starting soon! So if you’re curious, please visit


Amanda xx

PS. Ready to create a purposeful package in your coaching business - and learn how to charge in a way that gets clients booked in with ease? Click this link to get instant access to the FREE training >>


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For any coach feeling apprehensive about the future of coaching or your business right now, trust me on this – these visualization exercises are powerful!