A Realistic Morning Movement Routine for Health Coaches

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Today I want to talk about something missing from most Health Coaching Business Plans:

A Morning Movement Plan.

Believe it or not, following a daily movement practice has been one of the most important business decisions in my business. 

It trickles out and impacts the way the rest of the day works. 

If you want a thriving Health Coaching Business, part of that is living the work. And one of the best, and simplest practices is what you do in the morning to introduce small, gentle movements that get you into your flow. 

I’m not talking about harsh exercise. I find running or weights are too harsh for me first thing. But I still need the benefits of MOVEMENT.

This video breaks down the why and how of establishing your own Morning Movement practice:

There are 3 reasons why Morning Movement is so important.

1. Gets the FLOW going and starts your energy field moving after a night of laying mostly still. This means you’ll ignite your creativity, think clearly, and operate from a place of calm decision making.

2. It puts YOU first - You don’t have to start your day reacting to “all the things.” Prioritise YOURSELF and do it first thing in the day.

3. Who doesn’t want a dopamine hit first thing in the morning? You are ticking something off your list and getting the hormonal benefits of movement and SUCCESS - which is going to carry you into a move motivated and productive day.

There are SO MANY more reasons why starting your day with movement is so so good for you, but these are my TOP THREE reasons and the reasons why I am prioritising this above all else!

So it’s not something to wait and get around to. It has to be THE priority. 

If you’re trying to build a business right now, a consistent morning movement routine is part of your business plan! 

Tell me how you start your day and WHY?


Amanda xx

PS: Someone posted this beautiful comment about the Facebook Group…so if you’re not already a member, and you want to be part of a supportive community of 20K+ health coaches, make sure to come join us

It’s the coolest, kindest group around. And it’s not just me who thinks so! 💘