The Blunt Truth Behind Working From ‘Feminine Flow’

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The Blunt Truth Behind Working From ‘Feminine Flow’…

I made it! I’ve touched down in Austin, Texas and checked into my favourite hotel the W.

I love being able to travel the world and work from anywhere. To me, this is one of the greatest benefits of having my own business.

I went to the Internet Marketing Party here in Austin last night and when the guest speaker shared his $4 million dollar launch secrets, his parting quote was ‘sorry folks, this does NOT happen by sitting on your laptop on a beach’

The crowd laughed a knowing laugh.  

He had such a good point.

Anyone who is running a really successful business is still ‘working’ to make it happen.

And as female entrepreneurs, I think we are looking for that magical ‘balance’ between freedom and success.

While I see so many female entrepreneurs wanting to live a freedom-based lifestyle, I do think the conversation in female only circles tends to quite skewed.

In a world where ‘feminine’ and ‘flow’ are buzz words we are all striving towards, we can, in my opinion, fall into a disillusion that all we have to do to make a great income is chant some mantras, meditate on our dreams and maybe host an occasional webinar or Facebook group.

With my history of adrenal fatigue – I totally get it!

We’re over working HARD… and that is because as females ‘pushing’ is not our natural state.

We are meant to ‘receive’.

In fact, sometimes I am witnessing clients so ‘burnt out’ from working in masculine mode their whole lives, that the thought of even taking clients on is too much for them.

I witness most female entrepreneurs falling into one of two camps.

  1. Hustling and pushing, going hard, making it happen! (Masculine Mode)

  2. Meditating, journaling and visualizing a thriving business. (Feminine Mode)

Neither is winning in my eyes.

Option 1 leads to burnout. Option 2 leads to disillusionment.

So what’s a lady boss to do to generate a thriving business?


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Balancing Feminine Energy and Masculine Energy

There is a lot of talk of ‘working from the feminine’ in entrepreneurial circles, but my own experience has taught me that there is a difference in ‘feminine only practices’ and the ‘empowered feminine’ – which is actually a ‘fierce flow ’ and requires both the feminine and masculine energies working together.

THIS is empowered. THIS is where we create our own reality.

And I believe it is the mix of BOTH that brings the big wins in business.

How does this work?

The feminine energy (creativity, genius, flow) needs Masculine energy (structure, systems, discipline) to be able to flow with its’ full potential.

So what does this mean for you as a female entrepreneur?

To allow our feminine magic, our creative genius, our relaxation and freedom to come through our businesses we MUST have the masculine structures set up first.


If you are on path 1, it won’t be sustainable in the long term. If you’re starting to feel burnt out now, trust me, it’s because as a female you are not supposed to work from 100% masculine PUSH.

If you are currently on path 2, it might feel good for a while but my guess is the frustration of lack of results is going to set in soon.

Of course, I’m not sitting here saying I’ve mastered this piece 100% - this is a BIG changed we are learning as females.

Yet I have experienced that magical mix in varying degrees for myself and really do see this as a KEY factor behind my business growing 20X in the last 2 years.

I have sold out 4 multiple 6-figure launches in the last few years, and I know for sure that there is an art in utilizing the Inner Feminine Work (trust me, I live and breathe the woo-woo) in conjunction with proven marketing strategy and systems that produce great results.

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“Freedom comes through Discipline”

Late last year I decided to dive even deeper into my systems and structures as I really understood that the stronger the masculine side of my business, the more I personally could flow, be free, create...

I had mastered the ‘what to do’ in my business, but the more my business grew, the ‘how’ was still leaving me overwhelmed and burnt-out.

The man I turned to, to learn the masculine structure – the ‘HOW TO’?

Todd Herman, a performance mentor to some of the worlds top sporting stars.

Todd won’t tell you WHAT to do in your business (I can show you that part!) but he will show you HOW!

I credit his methods for a $250k launch in January amidst chaos in my business and for my ability to be sitting here by the W pool, enjoying writing to you all even though I’m jet-lagged as crazy and still worried about my husband, injured at home.

In Todd’s program, The 90 Day Year, he teaches you the ultimate peak-performance system for achieving game-changing results in your business. Part of what he teaches include:

  • How he stumbled upon the biological mechanism for entering into “flow states” …

  • What “Mental Toughness” really means in the world of high-performance… 

  • Why simply scheduling your tasks isn’t enough to guarantee progress…  

  • The 4W Formula he uses with the world’s highest-performing entrepreneurs and athletes to ENSURE that all their needle-moving actions get done.

I truly believe his system is going to take the entrepreneurial world by storm in coming years -  all the big names you know are already playing over there!


Amanda xx

PS: Download my 100 Killer Coaching Questions TODAY so you never get stuck for what to say in a coaching session again. These 100 Questions will help you feel like a PRO (and get MASSIVE results for your clients). 👌🏼

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Are you looking for the magical balance between freedom and success? Have you heard that the secret is working with your 'feminine flow'? It seems to be all the rage at the moment but I think there's an important part that often gets overlooked. In …