The Power Of WHO You Learn From

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If there's one thing I know well it is the power of surrounding yourself with people a few steps ahead of you. Yesterday I was reminded of the power of WHO you learn from once again.

I was lucky enough to fly Sydney to LA in Business Class a few weeks back. 

As I sat down in my seat, I was surrounded by top businessmen who fly all the time. With so much space and luxury in business class from the moment you board, everyone was super upbeat and friendly and within minutes conversations were flowing.

The topic quickly turned to 'how to avoid jetlag' and boy, did these guys know the tricks!

Within 15 minutes of taking my seat, I had new knowledge under my belt of how to arrive at my destination top of my game and avoid jetlag.

It would have taken me YEARS of travelling to the world to work these tips out by myself. 

It's the main reason I travel with extra 'jetlag buffer' days as I normally find there are a few days rendered useless after a long-haul flight. But by aligning myself with the seasoned pros, I gained their knowledge for myself.



 I landed in LA fresh faced (ish), got picked up by my good buddy Paula in her super cute Mini-Cooper, headed straight for Cafe Gratitude for breakfast, Wholefoods for supplies and then spent the rest of the day catching up and masterminding on our businesses by the pool in the sun.

I was asleep at 10pm, and awake at 6am this morning energised and ready to go to the gym.



Related Post: Top Working Cafes In LA

I've been trying to master this one for a while - and as someone who HATES being tired or feeling off my game in any way, this is a HUGE win.

Why waste time trying to work things out for yourself when someone a few steps ahead is willing to share their own learning?

This is one of the key reasons I love being a mentor to health coaches - so that you can learn quickly what took me years to work out in my business. 

(By the way: that insider tip on jetlag: It has to do with the food you eat 😉.)

Let me know in the comments below, are you surrounding yourself closely with people who are setting you up for success?


Amanda x

PS. Download my 100 Killer Coaching Questions TODAY so you never get stuck for what to say in a coaching session again. These 100 Questions will help you feel like a PRO (and get MASSIVE results for your clients). 👌🏼


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Entrepreneur tips: The power of who you learn from - Learning from those who have done it before is PRICELESS and can save you a huge amount of time. Today, I'm sharing a story of the power of who you learn from to help you move the needle in your b…