7 Tips For Business Motivation When You've Lost Your Mojo!

7 Tips For Business Motivation When You've Lost Your Mojo header-min.png


When building a business, tasks and work can pile up and make you feel overwhelmed. It can also be hard to say no to more work, and the cycle continues. 

All of a sudden you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tired, bored or lethargic - you have lost your spark and we don't want that!! 

Once you lose your mojo, it can be challenging to find the motivation to reclaim it and a downward cycle can creep in. 

Stories of stress and overwhelm tend to be sneaky little ego tricks to keep us playing small. "Who are you to be a great success, doing what you love?"

Well, I argue "Who are you not to?"

The truth is you are meant to succeed, you are meant to serve others with your awesome business - so it's time to step out of struggle and into success.

I work with my private clients on stepping into 'being a $5k woman'. To be a $5k woman (or a million-dollar woman...) you simply cannot allow yourself to linger into this negative state for too long.

Related Post: Million Dollar Habits - 10 Traits New Millionaires Have In Common

Business Blues are part and parcel of being an entrepreneur - no avoiding that - but the measure of success is how quickly you can catch yourself and bounce back.

Making small life adjustments can make you once again feel more energy and enthusiasm for your business and start sending out high-mojo vibrations to attract those clients waiting to work with you!

Related Post: 3 Ways To Get Your Spark Back (When Nothing's Going Right!)



Here are a few ways to keep your business motivation high:

1. Create a schedule

Keep a master schedule of all of your final deadlines by setting up a calendar. Seeing everything in one place can help you prioritise your time because you’ll know exactly what’s coming up, days and weeks in advance.

The trick to organising your time is to break your projects up into mini-goals that will be easier to achieve. Small, attainable goals will help you bust through tough projects and stay on track.

2. Stay aware

Setting up your schedule is only half the battle - the other half is actually using it.

If you’re not in the habit of checking your calendar daily, you might need a little push in the right direction, so after you’ve set deadlines for yourself, also set some alerts.

A pop-up on your computer or phone can be a quick reminder of what’s coming up!

3. Hang out with inspiration

Surround yourself with people who motivate, inspire and make you better.

Energy is contagious, so spend time around those you admire and adopt their success habits as your own. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, see the best in you and can help dig your best efforts out of you.

You don’t need to be associating with Debbie-downers, lazy complainers, the gossips and trouble makers. These negative energy of these people have the power to deter you from your own goals and aspirations.


4. Be organised

When you’re working on several projects at the same time, your inbox can quickly explode into an overwhelming mess of information. And while you can’t stop the flow of emails coming in, you can at least keep emails organised and separated.

Try adding folders and colour-coding to your inbox to help you find important information when you need it. For example, create a separate folder for each specific assignment you’re working on, which will let you easily scan for conversations or files that you need.

To go a step further, you can even set up a rule in Outlook to send email from certain addresses or with certain phrases in the subject line to the specified folders you’ve created. Gmail does the same thing if you set up a filter. 

5. Create information shortcuts

Do you constantly receive emails asking similar questions? Create a Q&A response email or keep a Word doc on your desktop with answers for common issues.

Having something you can easily cut and paste from will make answering routine email less time-consuming.

Doing the small stuff early and making it as streamlined as possible gives you more space to work on complex projects.

6. Think positive

Fear and negativity are the thieves of your inner spark. Accept that fearful and negative thoughts are a part of life and an essential part of success.

Redirect your thoughts to positive and live your business as if you have nothing to lose.  

7. Put compassion into action

There is nothing that can make any of us feel better than to positively contribute to the lives of others. In whatever way you can, helping others is a great reminder of the good person you are.

When you have time to give, and you share it with others, your own happiness and fulfilment increase.

It makes you feel good about who you are as a person and seeing the impacts your giving has on the quality of the lives of others, reminds you that we are all human.

Related Post: 5 Ways To Practice Gratitude In Your Business


I'd love to hear in the comments below what you do to get your mojo back when Business Blues creep in. How do you re-inspire yourself and get back in the game?


Amanda xx

PS. Download my 100 Killer Coaching Questions TODAY so you never get stuck for what to say in a coaching session again. These 100 Questions will help you feel like a PRO (and get MASSIVE results for your clients). 👌🏼

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Are you struggling to get motivated in your business and find yourself being unproductive? Maybe being an entrepreneur with your own business is starting to feel like a burden rather than a joy? Here are 7 tips to find your mojo and get your busines…