How To Make A Good First Impression (Especially In Person)

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I was reading Lisa Messenger's latest book on the weekend and something she spoke of in there really resonated with me.

She spoke about the power of meeting someone in person.  How meeting someone in person can inspire you so much more when you realise they are REAL!

This is the power behind a strong personal brand - not just how you show up and present yourself online - but in real life.

In today's online world, it is easy to create a brand and its’ impression via graphics, photos and a website.

But the strongest impression of all is made when you meet someone in person.

This is one of the key reasons I teach how to get clients 'in-person' (as well as online) as a new health coach in my UPswing Mastermind program.

Meeting someone in person can increase the 'know, like and trust' factors of why someone will buy from you tenfold - but of course, that meeting must leave a positive impression.

First impressions really do count although often when you meet someone new, you don’t necessarily know if that person could be highly valuable to you and your business!

Always make sure you’re prepared to meet the next person who’s going to make a difference to your success (it adds an extra spring to your step knowing you are showing up as your best) and note the first impression boosters below.

Related Post: Build A Personal Brand With PR


5 Ways To Make A Good Impression

1. Take off your sunglasses.

The eyes are the gateway to who you are as they illustrate your confidence, sincerity and interest in the person you’re meeting. Even if the sun is blaring into your eyes, take them off when you’re meeting someone new, even if they leave theirs on.

2. Dress to impress!

If your appearance looks like you don’t care about your presentation, prospective customers may assume you have the same lacklustre approach to your service.

3. Get a grip – literally.

Have you ever experienced a limp handshake? You can tell a lot by a person based on their handshake - soft equals weak, firm equals strong. Which are you?

4. Don’t name drop.

It makes you look like you’re overcompensating, which you probably are. Practice some humility, which will get you a lot further in both the short and long terms.

5. Put your phone away.

If you can’t put your phone away while you talking with someone, it’s clear that you have absolutely no interest in them.

Show some respect and focus on the person you’re speaking with and treat them like they’re the most important person in your life at that moment.

Do you have any favourite tips on making a good first impression? I'd love to hear them in the comments below.


Amanda xx

PS. Download my 100 Killer Coaching Questions TODAY so you never get stuck for what to say in a coaching session again. These 100 Questions will help you feel like a PRO (and get MASSIVE results for your clients). 👌🏼

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Making a good first impression can really add to your credibility as an entrepreneur and personal brand. When someone meets you in real life, it can be so powerful! But how do you make sure you leave a positive impression? Click through for 5 tips o…