The Honest Way To Find Health Coaching Clients (It’s not what you'll expect!)

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Did you know that the number ONE question I get asked by new health coaches is, “Where will I find clients?”

I go into exactly this in-depth my new 6-Week eCourse - but really, my answer to the question is simple.

“Your clients are all around you.” 

They pop up in the strangest places; at the oddest times.

Here are a few stories from students of mine:



“I found my first client at the Apple Store – I’d just bought my new laptop and was at a class learning how to use it and there was one other person in the class. We got talking about health at the end, and kept in contact over the next few months, and then he became my first client.” – Aimee



“I had a friend request [on Facebook] from a classmate from high school. I accepted it but thought it was a bit unusual as she and I did not really know one another at all. It turns out she had heard of what I do from a mutual friend of mine so she sought me out. She messaged me about health coaching, watched all my videos and became a client!” – Amber



“I was celebrating my first speaking gig in a pub and the organisers had invited another female entrepreneur to meet me, we shared a bottle of Prosecco, chatted loads about our businesses, totally connected and she ended up being my client AND referring someone else to me!” – Jo



“My first client was my Airbnb cleaner! She listened to me coaching my brother as she vacuumed around me, and decided to sign herself up for a bloody good life!” – Andrea

I love hearing these stories! Why? Because the secret to getting clients is not 'where are they?' - the secret is actually in what to do when you come across them!

TRUTH BOMB: THERE IS NO LACK OF CLIENTS. Your clients are truly everywhere!

Potential clients do not walk around with signs on their heads that say 'I'm a client'. They do not hide in secret corners of society where you can't find them.

No - clients are just everyday people who BECOME clients, depending on the conversations you have with them.

And when you are armed with exactly what to say and do when these conversations arise, you too will feel confident on converting them to paying clients.

In my 6-Week UPswing Client Kickstart eCourse, I go into this in more detail, giving you first-hand tips and strategies to finding your dream clients. And that’s just one of the 6 modules (not to mention the bonuses). Go here for all the details >>

The information I share in this eCourse – information that I wish I had when I was trying to work it all out for myself – has been put together in a way that makes it easy to incorporate into wherever you’re at on your journey as a health coach. And all material is downloadable, so you can work at your own pace, in your own time to start building your own thriving health coaching business.

I've made this information super accessible to you and I'd love to support you in if you are ready to take action.
With love
Amanda xx

PS. I'd love you to share your own stories of where you have found clients in the comments below. 👇

PPS. Ready to start finding your own dream clients? Then you need my FREE How To Attract Dream Clients Playbook! Click the button below to get started now!


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"Where do I find clients?" - it's the most common question I get asked as a business mentor for health coaches. And honestly, the answer is simpler than you would think! Click through to find out the best places to find health coaching clients - wit…